✨The Nearest Land near to Ringroad with friendly neighbourhood is on Sale from today with us. Land is total of 5 Anna + 1 Paisa stands facing East and South.
Reach us to grab the best plot...
For more details regarding the land contact us at
✅Gharsansar Real Estate Pvt.Ltd.
Kathmandu, Thado Bharyang (Sitapaila)
☎️01-5314574, 9841339832
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✅Land Features:
▫️Water supply.
▫️Drainage system.
▫️13 feet road access.
▫️200 meter outside Ring road.
▫️Block paved Road
▫South/East faced
▫️Eco-friendly environment.
▫️Friendly neighours
▫️ 2mins walk to man mohan hospital
▫️Public transportation 2 mins away from the plot.