
भुमि व्यवस्था/ Land Arrangement

  • विभिन्न जिल्लाका ४० कार्यालयमा भू-सूचना प्रणाली विस्तार गरिनेछ।
  • Geo-information system will be expanded in 40 offices of different districts.

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पानी परिरहेको छ बाहिर तर घरमा पानी छैन ?

वर्षाको पानी - तपाईंको कार, कपड़ा वा घर धुने वा नुहाउनको लागि प्रयोग गर्न सकिन्छ।

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Home Renting vs Home Buying

Renting a space is much easier than buying a property to live.

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3 Simple Ways To Paint Home

Paint can lend a sense of familiarity and comfort to a room. It can also help create a sense of space.

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Making your home safe.

Simple steps can leads to safe home. Protect your family from germs.

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